
600 Forest St. #101
Georgetown, Texas 78626

Washington County Tx Defense Attorney

Brenham Criminal Defense Attorney

(888) 234-5550

Criminal Lawyer in Washington County Texas

The Washington County Texas courthouse in Brenham, Texas stays fairly busy with Washington County lawyers. People living within the county as well as people passing through may find themselves in need of a Washington County Defense Attorney or a DWI Lawyer to represent them. This goes for the DUI charge as well.

Simply being arrested does not mean a person is guilty. The legal process needs to take its course with a intelligent and experienced criminal defense attorney who will research your case and discover all the evidence available in order to give each client a well rounded and accurate assessment.

My office has numerous clients who are happy with my performance. If charged with a criminal case feel free to call my office anytime in order to get the answers that you need from a Brenham Texas defense lawyer. The following are some cases that we have recently handle:

  • All Felonies and All Misdemeanors
  • Alcohol Crimes
  • Domestic Violence
  • Theft
  • Controlled Substance
  • Assault
  • Aggravated Assault

Texas DWI Law

It is important to understand that a DWI arrest on or after September 1, 2019 can result in extensively more fines than before. Along with the existing statutory fines the new law has added $3,000-$6,000 to the fines for a DWI conviction. It will depend on the situation and level of the DWI charge to determine the exact fine amount.

It is important to find an experienced attorney and try to avoid a DWI conviction.

Brenham, Texas is the county seat for Washington County, Texas.

Call or fill in our contact form for immediate information on how to handle your case. Take a look at our main page for more information on us.

Eric is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps.